Cyclists know the risks that face them every time they ride.
But with the technology that exists today, why should they have to accept them? One of the most reassuring feelings when sharing the road with bigger, faster vehicles is knowing that you are seen – when cyclists are seen they are safer. And this isn't limited to high-visibility clothing and on-bike lights – innovations in advanced detection sensor technology actually allow cyclists to be seen by the very intersection they are trying to cross. Before we delve into the solutions, however, let's take a look at the problem.

All streets are not created equal
As many cyclists will attest, the streets and intersections they ride through are often not designed with them in mind. Bike lanes do exist in many urban centers but that's only part of the story. Even if bike lanes are available, navigating a busy roadway and pavement to use a pedestrian crossing button has its own dangers.
Dismounting can be dangerous
Pedestrian crossing buttons are often located on the right side of the road, meaning cyclists have to cross a right-turn lane and dismount to activate the button. In fact, dismounting into a busy roadway is completely unnecessary with the technology available today.

Insufficient green time
If traffic signals at an intersection aren't equipped to detect and differentiate between bicycles and other vehicles, they can't possibly provide sufficient green light time for a bicyclist to safely cross an intersection.
The Art of Detection
Around 40% of bicyclist fatalities in crashes occur at intersections. But fortunately, signalized intersections have the most potential to successfully implement life-saving video detection solutions. Which is why Iteris is so dedicated to perfecting the art of detection, both in our advanced detection algorithms and our state-of-the-art video sensors.
Built on Iteris’ patented SmartCycle® algorithm, which differentiates between bicycles and vehicles at intersections, the SmartCycle Bike Indicator™ is a device that mounts onto traffic signals and illuminates when cyclists waiting at an intersection have been detected.
For more information on the SmartCycle Bike Indicator visit here or contact your local distributor or representative.